Wednesday, May 6, 2009

All I want is a response, come on guys give me a break! :)

Ok now that I have gotten zero point zero respones out of you guys and I am slowly but surly running out of good but lame topics I want someone to say something. It is errie when you sit and look a screen that only has stuff that you have written, reading and re-reading it repeatingly to your self. It is kinda' like talking to yourself with a skit to read by. How awkward. So give me so feedback, what about an open discusion? Anyone? Talk to me people.

Ok I will get back to this later,


  1. k since you say that i'll comment you. AND FOLLOW YOU! no need to thank me lol

  2. I'll try my hardest to respond, but my schedule is quite busy lol

  3. Hahah wow thanks I wondered if that post would work... :) and thanks for posting and following me! I have a busy secudule but I try to blog often
