Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What a day!

Okay guys I had and insteresting day today. There is a kid in some of my class, I am in school, well yesterday he was acting stupid and he drew a mustache on his face with a black perment marker and gave himself a mole. Like I said it was pretty funny, and it got even funnier when the teacher (who has had to go to anger managment classes for cussing a student out hehe) noticed and took action and thows the kid with a mustache out of the class witha screaming fit. lol.

Semester tests are coming up soon but I have already had my history teacher that gave us a test where we where supposed to make a timeline from 3000 bc to present and a essay that explains history facts in a some what orginized manner. I was sure to put the first class I failed on 2009 *cough* history *cough*, but though I haven't got my test results back yet I don't think I failed totally. Hopefully.

So on the brighter side of life, this weekend I am going canoeing. hehe. for the first time ever so I am really excited. I am going with a few friends of mine. Since where I live it had rained for 3 weeks in a role the river is going to be up. It should be pretty fun.

I want respones guys, doesn't matter if they are good, bad or ugly. I still want to here your thoughts.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

All I want is a response, come on guys give me a break! :)

Ok now that I have gotten zero point zero respones out of you guys and I am slowly but surly running out of good but lame topics I want someone to say something. It is errie when you sit and look a screen that only has stuff that you have written, reading and re-reading it repeatingly to your self. It is kinda' like talking to yourself with a skit to read by. How awkward. So give me so feedback, what about an open discusion? Anyone? Talk to me people.

Ok I will get back to this later,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

~!!!Harry Potter Puppet Pals!!!~

You probley are looking at the title of this blog in a curious, one eyebrow raised, quizzical expression. Well probley not but you are now because I assumed you were and that usually cause you to look somewhere towards the title in one way or another. Make sense? Yeah, didn't think so. I don't blame you though if you were really looking up at the title in a weird, confused, quizzical manner. If some random person just happened to give that title to something I was planning to read. Well lets just say I probley wouldn't read what came next.

Now that you have made it this far let us continue to the topic I plan to dicuss. I am a pretty big fan of Harry Potter. I happened to come upon a wonderful show called Harry Potter Puppet Pals. No it is not a TV show, but a halariously funny skit-thingy that I just found funny. Now I know I probley can't do a very good job a convincing you to go watch them so if you seem at least a little bit interested google Harry Potter Puppet Pals (obvouiously).

->I own nothing about anything about Harry Potter Puppet Pals.

talk later

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Come one, Come all!

Hi guys this is obviously my first post and I don't really have much to say, but I will say this. Life is unfair in many ways, most are obvious and then there are those that will kick you in the butt and you don't even relize what is happening till' you are on the ground crying cause you scraped your knee. Well you should know that everything will get better in time is a lie. Things really don't get better. No,those bad things never change but you learn to suck it up and move on cause you have better things to do that sit on the ground and try to put the puzzle peices of your life together. Thing will figure themselves out eventully.

Plez post me