Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What a day!

Okay guys I had and insteresting day today. There is a kid in some of my class, I am in school, well yesterday he was acting stupid and he drew a mustache on his face with a black perment marker and gave himself a mole. Like I said it was pretty funny, and it got even funnier when the teacher (who has had to go to anger managment classes for cussing a student out hehe) noticed and took action and thows the kid with a mustache out of the class witha screaming fit. lol.

Semester tests are coming up soon but I have already had my history teacher that gave us a test where we where supposed to make a timeline from 3000 bc to present and a essay that explains history facts in a some what orginized manner. I was sure to put the first class I failed on 2009 *cough* history *cough*, but though I haven't got my test results back yet I don't think I failed totally. Hopefully.

So on the brighter side of life, this weekend I am going canoeing. hehe. for the first time ever so I am really excited. I am going with a few friends of mine. Since where I live it had rained for 3 weeks in a role the river is going to be up. It should be pretty fun.

I want respones guys, doesn't matter if they are good, bad or ugly. I still want to here your thoughts.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

All I want is a response, come on guys give me a break! :)

Ok now that I have gotten zero point zero respones out of you guys and I am slowly but surly running out of good but lame topics I want someone to say something. It is errie when you sit and look a screen that only has stuff that you have written, reading and re-reading it repeatingly to your self. It is kinda' like talking to yourself with a skit to read by. How awkward. So give me so feedback, what about an open discusion? Anyone? Talk to me people.

Ok I will get back to this later,